Luxburg Carolath Group demands clarification of the scam
Luxburg Carolath Group demands clarification of the scam
Luxburg Carolath Group demands clarification of the scam
- LC-Group is itself a victim of the criminal cannabis platform and never had access to the investors’ funds
- As early as July 28, 2022, the LC Group expressly warned against investing on the platform
- Own criminal charges were subsequently filed on August 1, 2022
- Complaint against the actions of the Berlin public prosecutor’s office
Berlin, August 22, 2022: In the course of investigations into suspected investor fraud on the crowdfunding platform, companies belonging to the Luxburg Carolath Group (LC-Group) have also been targeted by the Berlin public prosecutor’s office during searches. However, the people involved in the LC Group and the LC Group have themselves become victims of fraud, identity theft and other crimes and have never had access to the cannabis platform’s investor funds. Rather, the LC-Group warned early on about, filed criminal charges on August 1, 2022, offered full cooperation and sent the State Criminal Police Office extensive material relevant to the investigation.
It is correct that representatives of the Internet platform acquired shares in the Switzerland-based LC Holding AG in October 2021 in order to expand their supposed business model by entering into a well-known company by offering medical THC. In the course of the desired cooperation, LC Holding AG changed its company to JuicyFields AG. In addition to paying the purchase price, an extensive investment should be made in the company and the European business should be further expanded. However, neither the purchase nor the investment amount has been paid in accordance with the contract. Therefore, the LC Group withdrew from the intended cooperation and the purchase agreement.
“Now the public prosecutor’s office is turning the victim into culprit,” complains Stefan Graf von Luxburg, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JuicyFields AG. “We acted innocently and in good faith. We are therefore shocked by the unlawful actions of the Berlin public prosecutor’s office. After we had been approached by the operators of the platform, a major player in the cannabis business at the time, about a possible investment in the LC Group, more precisely LC Holding AG, we examined this offer and decided on it a cooperation. In the further course, however, it quickly became clear to us that we were dealing with dubious business partners, whereupon we immediately initiated our own investigations and terminated the purchase contract. Our investigations revealed that accounts at iSX Bank in Cyprus were opened using forged documents and used to transfer significant sums of money, according to the CEO of iSX Bank. At our initiative, the accounts were immediately closed on July 15, 2022. As a result, no further financial transactions could be processed via the website and the Ponzi scheme collapsed. On July 28, 2022, we made our findings public and specifically warned investors not to make any ‘investments’ on the platform. We also filed criminal charges on August 1, 2022. In addition, we offered the investigators our cooperation on July 20, 2022 in order to clarify the matter. The fact that our business and private premises have now been unlawfully searched, computers and files confiscated and our accounts blocked turns the course of the crime upside down and turns victims into perpetrators.”
The initiators of the fraudulent cannabis platform did not shy away from publishing the names and photos of people from the LC Group on their site without their knowledge and consent, against which the LC Group also took legal action. “Since we, as the injured party, are interested in the full clarification of the situation, we took further steps at the end of July 2022 and located the web host of in Canada or, according to the latest findings, in Switzerland. We then mandated renowned Canadian and Swiss law firms to take action against the website,” says Stefan Graf von Luxburg.
On August 8, 2022, the LC Group requested through its lawyers that the website be shut down by the hoster.
At the same time, the responsible public prosecutor’s office in Berlin confirmed ongoing investigations into the criminal charges filed by the LC Group and applied for a judicial search warrant, which was enforced on August 16, 2022 in several properties in Berlin – including business premises of the LC Group and private apartments. “This is incomprehensible against the background of the cooperation we offer and the fact that we ourselves are the complainants and injured parties,” comments Stefan Graf von Luxburg on the procedure of the investigating authorities. The LC Group immediately lodged a complaint against the raids, which they considered illegal.
About the Luxburg Carolath Group
The LC-Group offers investors a wide range of international investment opportunities. Also part of the group of companies is LC MED AG, a fully licensed sales company for medical cannabis, which has been active in the industry for many years worldwide and has thus acquired a high level of reputation.
Press contact:
Ummen Communications GmbH
Robert Ummen